Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Storytime with Valentine Cat

I really love the way this Mom reads Valentine Cat to her child. Take a look in here.

Early Childhood Books

Early childhood books are often overlooked by the adult world. Babies seem to be there just to be cuddled (wish is extremely important!), but we're are seldom aware of all the things that are happening in order for them to become part of the human world.
I've had the honor to be invited by Yolanda Reyes, founder of Espantapajaros Taller, author and early childhood researcher, to take part in this seminar about books that I find appropriate for children 0-3.

The Fine Art of Illustration - a podcast

I've been invited to take part in an episode of this interesting podcast on Illustration by talented illustrators Jose Rosero and Randy Mora. We talked about illustration as a fine art and as an artistic object. It's in Spanish, I hope you can listen to it.
This is the link.